
: +91-9496325026, +91-9495834994

Our Mission

Mission to children find its Biblical mandate which is found in Mathew 19: 14; Jesus asked the disciples “ Let the little children come to me” . Excel Ministries believe that the Great Commission in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the Good news to all creation” is binding to children and youth also.Thus we, the Excel Ministries family, is committed to minister to children and youth irrespective of caste, color and creed so that they may excel in Christ.


Our Vision

"Reaching the young generation with love of Jesus“

Excel ministries came to the stage in a time when there were no much special ministries for children in India. The only ministry that the church done to children was the Sunday school. Ever since Excel Ministries started the VBS, much enthusiasm had been visible among the children. They were seen reciting the new excel VBS action songs and memory verses. As a result of this spiritual revival among children, the churches too got revived and new ministries for children came to the scene.

Our Prospects

We are turning 10 next year; it has been a voyage through lots of ups and downs. We have a handful of new projects for now and for near future:

You can Help us

You could be a part of Excel Ministries in the following ways. In doing so you not only become instrumental in the expansion of the Lord’s kingdom, but also abundantly blessed. We will pray for you and the ministry updates will be sent to you on a regular basis.

Regular Support

Sl No Ministry Need Amount per Month Amount per Year
1 Sponsor a staff
a. Bachelor 3000 36000
b. Married 6000 72000
2 Sponsor a HOPE center ( 20 children) 25000 3 Lakh
3 Sponsor a child evangelism student 3000 36000
4 Sponsor a HOPE child 1000 12000
5 Support for Magazine (2000 copies) 25000 3 Lakh

One Time Support

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