
: +91-9496325026, +91-9495834994

Excel Social Awareness Media

Excel Social awareness media is a powerful work against social evils like Drug abuse, Alcoholism, use of Tobacco, Child abuse, ….. etc among school children. This is done by school based …………..awareness program and classes.


“Perfect Pupil Permanently”


To reach all schools in India and conduct awareness classes using various media such as skits, magic, puppet, activities, short films, presentations …etc. We ensure that the classes are challenging and life changing thereby each student go back home with a strong determination, renewed mind and purpose of life.


To reach all the Schools in Kerala by 2020

Conduct 200 programs annually

Effective follow- up programs

Function & Funding

ESAM is a group of committed and trained personnel who are well versed in public speech, music and such skills. Now a days the school children are prone to many social evils such as various addictions, bad habits ..etc. This not only affects their studies but also corrupts their personality and future. As a result, in future, this situation will amount to hectic national loss. ESAM functions very effectively by networking all the interested schools & Colleges both private and public.

Appointment is taken in advance and all the students be informed early. The team conducts the program, distribute relevant booklets & pamphlets and feedback is taken. Programs are conducted as a social service but volunteer contributions are accepted from schools and well-wishers. However a strong financial base is lacking which hinders further expansion of the program.

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