Vision - “To Excel in Christ”
Who We Are
Function & Funding
Curriculum & Syllabus
Training Resources
VBS Materials
Students Kit
Teachers Kit
Directors Kit
Volunteer kit
Excel VBS syllabus and materials are available in English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada.
How to organize an Excel VBS?
Organize VBS
Any person having a burden for children’s ministry can organize a VBS irrespective of the number of children. Excel VBS will provide all the necessary support – both men and materials-to make the event a success. We have a wide network of coordinators, supporting churches in every district. You can either attend/send someone to a Directors training in your district (which is normally conducted in Feb-March) or you can contact us and ask for a Director from Excel office. In both cases you need to pay for the materials. Other expenses may include that of advertisement, hall rent, PA System, snacks, food, prizes for students, gift to Director and support to Ministry etc
It is a one- week syllabus having a total of 6 lessons, one lesson per day. For the first 3 groups there are three lessons from the OT and three from the NT. For intermediate and Senior groups, the lessons are more life related yet biblical based. Again each lesson is divided in to two parts – Lesson proper and Missionary story. We believe that the best way of learning is by doing. Therefore each lesson has an activity section that consist of coloring, jumbles, find the way, projects etc. Children not only love to do these activities but also learn the biblical lessons thoroughly
The Harvest is plenty, and the workers are few ().The need is pressing and vast, but the resources are few, in terms of manpower and money. usually the challenges include insufficient trained people, lack of huge fund during the printing time, non-availability of adequate transportation and the like. We are looking forward to more praying and supporting partners for this noble cause.
Excel VBS Themes
Sl No | Theme | Year | No of Students |
1 | Arise and Build | 2008 | 25000 |
2 | Fly High | 2009 | 50000 |
3 | Awake | 2010 | 100000 |
4 | Grow up | 2011 | 150000 |
5 | Rainbow | 2012 | 200000 |
6 | Mera Dosth ( My Friend) | 2013 | 250000 |
7 | Stars | 2014 | 250000 |
8 | Flowers | 2015 | 300000 |
9 | Let's Go | 2016 | 300000 |
10 | 5G | 2017 | 300000 |
11 | Safe Zone | 2018 | 300000 |
12 | Life Boat | 2019 | 300000 |
Upcoming Events
North Indian & Nepal VBS
Till recent, Ministry to children in the north and Nepal has never been received its due attention by the churches and missionary organizations. Paul says in Romans 15:20,21,” yea, making it my aim so to preach the gospel, not where Christ was [already] named, that I might not build upon another man's foundation; but, as it is written, They shall see, to whom no tidings of him came, And they who have not heard shall understand”. Excel VBS felt the need to reach every child in this region with the Gospel and started the initiative to translate syllabus and other materials in to Hindi. We could witness a never-before hunger from the children and youth for the Word of God in both Urban and rural parts of India and Nepal thanks to the awakening of the Spirit of God.
Excel VBS overseas
Excel VBS has been conducting VBS and other children’s programs in US, Canada, Australia, England and Middle East since 2008 successfully. These events not only provided us with good ministry experiences but also helped us financially in fulfilling our mission for the under privileged children throughout Asia. We have tailor made children’s programs for churches and communities abroad considering the special needs of children, parents and Teachers in these countries. This program includes Gospel Magic shows, Puppet shows, Music fest, Dance, Skit, DIY (Do It Yourself) Activities etc.
Excel VBS is like a tree growing wider and deeper we have immediate and long term goals
- Syllabus in all Indian languages
- Presently we have 3000 VBS reaching 3 Lakh children. We are targeting 5000 VBS reaching 5 Lakh children by 2020
- To reach unreached nations like Cambodia, Srilanka, Bhutan, China, Indonesia and Africa