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Excel VBS 2022/h1>

Vision - “To Excel in Christ”

Excel VBS 2022


Thank you for choosing Excel VBS, one of the widely accepted and popular VBS curricula across the globe. We welcome you to an amazing world of fun-filled, Bible-based, result-oriented VBS experiences for your young ones!


Excel Ministries had its humble beginning in August 2007, driven by the vision God gave to two Bible college mates, Binu Joseph and Anil PM. Subsequently, the ministry took root with the vision of reaching the young generation with the love of Jesus. The initial VBS was thus conducted in more than 200 places across Kerala, the southernmost state of the Indian subcontinent. This movement slowly snowballed into a cross-cultural and interdenominational VBS Ministry with many full-time staff workers, many departments including a training wing. Resource materials are now available in multiple languages including Hindi and English.

Presently EXCEL conducts thousands of VBS programs and hundreds of training sessions every year in many languages through online and onsite modes. More than half a million children and youth are reached every year to the development of the Kingdom and the glory of God!

We at Excel Ministries, believe that success is an ongoing journey and we continue on that road to process. The motto of the ministry is “To Excel in Christ".

Children love it. Churches desire it. Christians recommend it!



Through Trending #1, we aim to teach the children and youth topics that are eternally Trending. Jesus Christ stands unique, forever stable, unwavering, and not subject to change. "With whom there is no variation or shifting shadow" (James 1:17). The essence of the theme is that Jesus Christ is number one, so we as his children, aim to be the best.

Trending #! is anchored in Hebrew 13:8 - "He is the same yesterday, today and forever". World history is the account of numerous fallen heroes. All of these heroes came and are now gone. But Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God, and the King of kings, still lives! Hell could not consume Him; Satan could not seduce Him; Death could not destroy Him, and the grave could not hold Him! He is eternally the Trending #1. He is still conquering the hearts of millions of people every day with His unconditional love.



Trending in Friendship

Children love to befriend others. The opening day will teach children the values of true friendship and how they can continue to excel in it. Most notably, the content for day one is designed to make each child a genuine friend of Jesus.

Core Idea: Trending in friendship with Jesus and others


Trending in Studies

A king is respected in his own country, but an educated person is respected everywhere. This day's theme aims to teach children the value of education in our society. They are also taught to acquire pure wisdom from above, which is possible only by studying the book of books - The Holy Bible

Core idea: Trending in learning the Word of God, the source of pure wisdom.


Trending in charity

Charity begins at home. Children must be taught to show empathy to their fellow beings. The day theme aims at teaching them how to demonstrate Christian love by putting it into practice. The concept of the salt of the earth and the light of the world is ingrained into their minds.

Core Idea: Trending in doing charity to needy people, following the example of Jesus.


Trending in Faith

The Gospel changes our life for the better. Today's theme communicates the greatest message of all time - The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Children could be led to make serious commitments to follow Christ throughout their life.

Core Idea: Trending in saving faith in Jesus Christ, the slain Lamb of God.


Trending in Goal

Trending # 1 concludes with an emphasis on the return of Jesus Christ and the mission we all are commanded to accomplish. Sharing the love of Jesus and winning people to Christ is what children should do even at an early age. This theme encourages children to make this their prior goal in life. The Master of the harvest will return soon as He promised, and he will honor each with suitable rewards and crowns!

Core Idea: Trending in anticipation of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ while engaging in being a witness for Him.

Directors’ Guide.
This training manuel is the main resource guide for all VBS directors and leaders after the Bible. In addition to each day’s theme devotion, it gives all the essential guidelines for various games and activities associated with the VBS ministry.
Bible Lesson
Bible lesson is the core thing in each day’s program. Each Bible lesson contains a Scripture for meditation, a memory verse, a core value from the selected Scripture and a narration.
Missionary Story
Missionary stories powerful enough to impact children for witnessing Christ. The stories are picked on the basis of each days core value.
Object Lesson
I hear, I forget: I see, I remember is a true saying when it comes to teach children. Here simple objects are used to present profound Bible truths
Warm Up
Well begun is half done. Through Warm-up session children are engaged in some sort of physically activity. Once they attain momentum, they will be active for the entire day
Memory Verse
Each day a new Bible verse is taught to children. This verse once memorised will have a long lasting effect in their lives. There are a number of fun filled games and methods for teaching memory verses which the children love
Review game
These fun-packed games are helpful in revising each days lesson. Questions are asked to the children and the winners get a chance to play the game.
All work and no play make Johnny a dull boy, goes the saying. So each day has a dynamic mass game session where all children can participate and enjoy.
Group Game
Representatives from every group is called upon the stage to play this game. The winners can score points for their respective groups.
Slogans are synonymous with political parties. But children love them too. We have a handful of powerful slogans for using at the end of assembly sessions and VBS rally.

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  • Beginner ---> Age 3-5
  • Primary ---> Age 6-8
  • Junior ---> Age 9-11
  • Intermediate Age ---> 12-14
  • Senior ---> Age 15- Above

VBS Curriculam Available in

  • Malayalam
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Telugu
  • Kannada
  • Oriya
  • Marathi
  • Tamil
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