We live in an age of educational boom. However a good portion of children around us are not fortunate enough to attend schools. Still another good numbers drop out of school in mid-way. The only reason for this tragedy is lack of resources. Excel HOPE project is an initiative to help under privileged children to pursue education and there for chase their dreams. HOPE project started in 2014.
“Help out poor and orphan for education”
Function & Funding
Under privileged children are identified in every locality and a group consists minimum 20 up to 50 children is formed. A staff member coordinates the work. Educational aid is distributed to either children directly or to their guardians. Spiritual lessons, counselling classes and camps are exclusively conducted for HOPE children. Initially the commitment is for one year. The progress of the child is evaluated yearly and eligible children’s contract is renewed.

In this Kozhencherry project we have 20 students . Fourth Saturday of every month we are conducting the program with all students. Through this moral and spiritual classes were learned. Every classes are led by officials. We could see the improvement of the students in their home both spiritual and education growth. Sis. Sreekala is in charge of this project

We have 10 students and Sis.Susamma Mathew is taking care of this project. From this project 2 children were appeared for the Higher secondary education. They get good marks and promoted for the next class. Every Sunday they are gathering together and conducting the program. In every two month officials are visiting and instructing the children and evaluating the progress of the project .

This project is running with 12 students and Sis. Ann Mathew is the in charge of the project. Last year this project program conducted by every Saturday. Have we are providing the chances to develop their talents by performing program by every week meetings. There are students from sick parents as well as Orphan. The project run by Enlighten church of God.

This project have 10 students from very needy and some are semi orphans and other’s parents are sick. This project is led by Disciples Church of God. Sis Jincy Mary Philip is taking care of this project. We are giving classes for the students as career guidance, personality developments class, personal counselling.

This project started in 2017 March 3 for tribal students in Waynad District We have 16 students and Pr. Balan is take caring of the project. These students are from uneducated families. They are facing many issues like natural calamities, in securing and malnutrition. Every weekend we are inviting the children for the programme as personality development moral class. Excel Hope is providing support to meet their basic needs.